Welcome visitors!
Wanna share your writing knowledge and expertise with the rest of the world? You're in luck! We welcome unsolicited blog posts and articles from subject matter experts or users, on an extensive array of topics about gardening and home improvements.
We are LeekGarden, where millions of people go every day for unique, informative content that feeds their interests and passion. As a contributor to our page, you'll share useful ideas to readers that promote diverse experiences and voices.
Our content represents a range of facts and viewpoints. It is converted for beginners, but experts may also find it interesting. The aim of our content is to help you know some exciting facts about certain things, make your shopping less hassle, turn your old interior and exterior design into astonishing one, and so much more!
Why write for us?
LeekGarden is dedicated to helping improve the life of readers, and your work will put in towards gratifying that mission. We are offering information and resources to help our readers recognize their utmost potential.
Of course, there are many reasons why choosing to write guest post for us is a good idea, and some are the following:
* Promote your own brand. As long as it is done patently and relevant to the mission of our website, you can leverage your exposure on LeekGarden to work and promote your personal brand at the same time.
* Reach massive audience. We'll work our distribution and social system to ensure your article gets the reach it rightly deserves. We will post your work on our site and even promote on our social media networks, which include Facebook, Twitter...
Most importantly, the core benefit of writing original articles for us is to share information with other people who want to learn different things about gardening, home improvement and any other related topics.
What are we looking for?
Although we consider everyone's application, below is a list of things that will help you earn you more points.
* Basic grammar knowledge: While we do mind editing your article, you need to proofread it before submitting. We mostly prefer publishing original content than editing word placements.
* An informative, positive voice: In every article you write, we want to hear your voice. However, remember to keep ours, too. As possible, we like to keep things informative and positive.
* Industry experience: Having experience is more preferable, be that in home or garden improvement, or you are simply a knowledgeable writer.
Content Related
And for the content guidelines, we are accepting guest posts in the following categories:
- Gardening (in general).
- Vegan guides including plants, vegetables, etc.
- Landscaping.
- Woodworking.
- Home improvement.
- Outdoor furniture, lights, lamps other accessories.
Read some of our articles at Leek Garden: Gardening Blog to understand our key topics and writing style.
Quality Guidelines
We are accepting guest posts which meet our quality criteria:
- Unique and relevant content (not published elsewhere, including on your blog).
- Easy to read and understand.
- Length over 1500 words.
- Fresh 100% (use Copyscape).
- Proper grammar (use Grammarly).
- Related images (4 or 5 images, cite the source if the image doesn't belong to you).
- Must have video related topic.
- Out link to top blog related.
- Write the meta description for the article
- The keyword must have search volume over 100 (Ahrefs Data), related to the topic on Leek Garden or send me the seed keyword I'll prepare more sub keyword.
- Important is must follow On Page SEO Check List
Important Notes:
- We reserve the right to deny publishing of articles that do not meet above guidelines.
- Once you submit an article to www.leekgarden.com, it becomes the property of our site.
- Sponsored links are those links to certain websites which sell, review or resell the products/or services with fee $60 not included content.
- We reserve the right to edit the article content before publishing.
The Article Samples
Send us your completed article as Word attachments. Please double check grammar and spelling before submitting. The article will be edited for content, grammar, style, length and more.
Submit your article proposal today and join our amazing team!
Have more questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us: juliawilson.leekgarden[at]gmail.com