How to Transplant Orchids: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide


Table of Contents 1What are orchids?2How to Transplant Orchids?A. Organizing your TransplantB. Uprooting the Orchid (Removing the Orchid from the Pot)C. Transplanting the Orchid3Conclusion Did you know that the presence of plants can have a calming effect on our surroundings? Decorating your home with orchids, in particular, not only helps you relax and reduce stress … Read more

A Beginner’s Guide: How Far Apart to Plant Tomatoes In Garden

How Far Apart to Plant Tomatoes?

Tomato “Solanum lycopersicumL.” is arguably the main vegetable consumed across the world and tomatoes are a widely used ingredient in most food recipes today. The popularity of this vegetable may be attributed to the benefits it has to offer the human body.Because tomatoes contain important minerals and vitamins, such as vitamins A and C. additionally, … Read more

8 Things You Need To Knows: Why Is Photosynthesis Important To Plants


Before we look at the importance of photosynthesis, let us start with your basic understanding of photosynthesis. Why is photosynthesis important to plants? According to you, where does this process take place?Photosynthesis is simply the process by which plants take up carbon dioxide to produce simple carbohydrates (glucose). This process uses light (the sun rays) … Read more

How To Grow Portobello Mushrooms at Home 2022 (Step by Step Guide)

How to grow Portobello mushrooms

Portobello mushrooms are also called portabella mushrooms. They are brown cream mushrooms with a button-like shape. They have a rounded, earthen tan flat cap with almost black gills on either side with a thick white stem.Portobello mushrooms are highly nutritious since they are rich in potassium, iron, vitamin D, and carbohydrates. They can be substituted … Read more